CategoriesColombian Coffee

Coffee drying methods

If you are still confused when they talk to you about washed, natural or honey coffee, read to the end and you will easily understand the methods of drying coffee.

Washed Coffee: This is the most traditional drying process and is when the coffee beans are pulped (removing the husk), fermented in water and then washed with water to completely eliminate the mucilage (gelatinous layer that the coffee has after pulping). Once the coffee beans have been cleaned, they are dried in the sun or mechanically. This process tends to produce a coffee that is cleaner and more balanced in flavor.

2. Honey Coffee: In this drying practice, the beans are pulped and the coffee is dried with the musilage, adding sweetness and complexity to the flavor.

3. Natural Coffee: In this method, the coffee beans are dried in the sun with the pulp of the fruit still intact. Once the fruit is completely dried, it is then threshed. This process gives the coffee a characteristic fruity flavor and sweetness, in addition, it tends to be a fuller-bodied coffee.

Each coffee drying method adds different nuances and particularities to the final flavor of your cup.

If you want more content like this, share it with that coffee-loving person. We also have for you, the Albacerrada Farm where you can learn more about everything related to coffee.

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